Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Polymer Clay Pen Holders

Good Morning!

Yesterday I shared with you some polymer clay pens that I made.  You can check that blog post here http://honeydscreations.blogspot.com/2015/01/a-new-craft-toy-and-polymer-clay-pens.html if you didn't see it.  They were the very first clay pens I made.

Today I am sharing with you a couple of pen holders for those pens. Right now I have the pens in a piece of styrofoam so they stand up straight.  

Here they are with their pen holders.

I made this pen holder to match the pen.

I wanted a more simple design to go with the rainbow design so I made a cloud base for this pen.

I hope you enjoyed this blog.  Stay tune for tomorrow's blog when I explore and experiment with the Polymer Clay Cane Technique.  What's that you say? You'll have to read tomorrow's blog to find out.

Have a great day!

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