Monday, January 5, 2015

A New Craft Toy and Polymer Clay Pens

Good Morning!

I hope everyone had a great start to the new year.  I have gathered my materials to show you my latest craft obsession...POLYMER CLAY

I love creating things with my hands.  It is a fun way to let your imagination go wild.  I have spent the last month or so researching different clay techniques.  I am amazed at what people have made with clay.

One of my Christmas gifts that my hubby and son bought me was this clay machine.  I will be using it when I am making today's clay craft...POLYMER CLAY PENS.  

In fact all week long I will be sharing with you different clay pens that I will be making.

This is my very first polymer clay pen.  It isn't fancy but I wanted to get a feel on how to use my clay machine.  I think it came out pretty good. 

The pens are standing on a piece of styrofoam which is why you can't see the pen tip.  This is how I am having the pens dry once I put the varnish on them.

 It was a little tricky to roll the clay around the pen.  It took a lot of patience and time. Just like anything new I have to keep practicing with it if I want to become good at it.

Here is my second clay pen I made today.  I am really liking this one.  I added some cloud detail on this one.

It took me about three hours to make these two pens, but that included learning how to put my clay through the clay machine just right so it didn't have any ripples in it.

I'm kind of limited right now on supplies.  I need to purchase more colors of clay, but for now I will use up what I have.  Stay tuned tomorrow for another blog post. I will be making a pen stand for the pens I made today.

Thanks for stopping by.


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