Thursday, January 22, 2015


Good Morning!

I have a couple of announcements this morning!  

1) Honey D's Creations will be moving to a new website very soon.  I am so excited about this because I will be able to customize it and organize it the way I want to.  I will give you the new link when that happens.

2) Honey D's Creations will now be a tutorial craft blog.  My goal is to teach you how I make my crafts in the hopes that you will learn something new that will bring enjoyment in your life like it has in mine.

I don't like to stick to one craft. I like to explore different crafts that are out there because you never know if you will discover something new and fun if you don't explore the possibilities.  So if you like a variety of crafts, join me on this "craft journey".

I will be posting new tutorials every week.  Every tutorial will include photos of each step to make the projects.  I am a very visual person myself so I learn best with either photos or watching a video.

My facebook page will highlight my finished projects or items that will be for sale in my Etsy store.

For some reason the comments are not working on this website.  I've had some of you tell me that.  If you want to comment or send me a message, please use my email address 

Thanks and have a great day!


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