Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Honey D's Creations craft blog is back up and running.  It has been an interesting 2014 with a lot of trial and errors.  I spent most of the year concentrating on my craft business and participating in many craft shows the last part of the year.  My hubby has even come on board the "craft train" and together we are building our craft business together.  Hubby likes to make and sell things out of wood and I will be showcasing his work throughout the year too.

We are really excited to see all the good things 2015 will bring.  We have been blessed so far and I can't wait to see where our craft business takes us.

I wish you all the best this year too.

Please subscribe if you haven't already and get ready for a year full of my favorite crafts.

The first craft blog of 2015 will be up on Monday, January 5th.

All the Best,


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