Thursday, August 8, 2013

Duct Tape Wallet Tutorial

Hi Friends,

Today I am happy to share with you a tutorial on how I make a basic duct tape wallet.  Some of you may already know how to make one, and others may not.  Duct tape wallets have come a long way since the plain gray color ones were first introduced.

There are many different styles of wallets you can make.  You just need to know the basic steps and then let your imagination take over.  I posted one of my other style wallets the other day.  It can hold 20 store reward cards, a checkbook and extra cash.  You can check that post out on this blog.  Also I posted photos of the same style wallet but in different colors on my Instagram.  Just look under HONEYSCREATIONS to find me.

Duct tape wallets are so fun to make that you may not want to stop making them.  They make great gifts and are easy enough for both adults and children to make them.  In fact when I was a Cub Scout leader in my son's den, I taught the boys how to make their own wallet and they loved the project.  My son made a Spongebob theme wallet and used it as a place to keep his allowance money.  Three years later he still has it.

With the new school year approaching kids can make their own homemade wallet to carry their lunch money to school.  There are so many colors and patterns to choose from.  Every time I go into a store I see a different theme duct tape.   

So let's get started with the tutorial.

Basic Duct Tape Wallet Instructions:

For this craft project you will need only a few materials.


duct tape
a cutting tool
cutting mat

  In case you were wondering I use a Fiskars cutting mat that has a self-healing surface and number measurements.  You could also use a cutting board and ruler instead.


Start by cutting four pieces of duct tape 4 inches long.  These will be the pockets for your wallet.  I chose this cute cherry checkerboard pattern.

The pockets need a nice trim so cut two more pieces of duct tape 4 inches long in a color you want your trim to be.  I chose red for my pocket trim.  

Now cut those same pieces in half and they should look like this.  One strip for each pocket. 

To add the trim to the pocket, take one of the strips you just cut and place it on the edge of the pocket.  You can see in the photo below I am covering about 1/4 inch of the pocket.

Now fold the piece over so you have a nice straight trim showing on your pocket. Just like this.

Do this for all four pockets.  They should look like this.

That part was easy.
Now if you turn the pockets over you will notice some sticky part is still showing.  We need to cover them up with a 4 inch piece of duct tape. When you are done with that step they should look like this. 

Great!  The pockets are now finished.  Set them aside.


The basic wallets I make are usually 9"x 3 1/2".  So to make the front and back of the wallet we are going to need a piece with those dimensions.  To make a piece like that first start with a 9 inch piece of duct tape.

Then add another piece of duct tape to the other one overlapping a little until you reach a height of 3 1/2 inches.  You can see why I like my cutting mat with the number measurements.  It makes it so easy.  

Next, turn the piece over so the sticky side is facing up. 

Cover the sticky side with duct tape.
You now have the front of your wallet.
Make another piece exactly the same way for the back of your wallet.   

You will notice that the edges look rough.  Don't worry about that because our next step is making the edges look nice.  To do this cut a 9 inch piece of duct tape in your trim color. 

Then cut that piece in half.

Place one piece of duct tape on the top edge of the front of the wallet (like in the photo below) and the other piece on the top edge of the back of the wallet. 

Part #3:  Assembling the wallet

You have finally come to the part when you can add the pockets to your wallet.  Line up the first two pockets in the bottom left corner of your wallet. Leave about 1/4 inch between each pocket.

To hold your pockets in place you are going to cut a 4 inch piece of duct tape and cut it in half.  

Place one of the strips of duct tape on the side of the wallet to secure the pockets and fold over to the front of the wallet to make a nice trim. 

Do this exact step to the right side of the wallet. 

It is very important to double check to see if your pockets are big enough. If everything seems to fit then go ahead and add a strip of duct tape in between the pockets (the center of the wallet)

You are almost done.  Just one more step.  Add a piece of duct tape along the bottom edge of the wallet.  Attach it the same way as we did the other .    

When you fold that piece of duct tape over that will complete the trim on the front of your wallet.

Congratulations!  You have made your very own wallet.    

This concludes this tutorial.  I hope you enjoyed it.  
I'd really like to see your wallet creation if you make one.
Until next time....Bee Creative!!! 

Deb :)

You can also find Honey D's Creations on:
Instagram:  Find me under HONEYSCREATIONS  

Thanks for stopping by!

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