Friday, January 23, 2015

Using Fabric Transfer Paper on Polymer Clay

Good Morning!

 My first tutorial will be using fabric transfer paper on polymer clay.  

I have tried several methods using the fabric transfers; including water, rubbing alcohol, baby oil, and heat.  I didn't have any luck with any of these. I just couldn't get the image to transfer.  I did that for a whole day without any luck.  Then the following day I researched about using fabric transfers and I saw that someone was using the fabric transfers to make gift tags on card stock.  She used hairspray.  It was worth a shot.  I thought if it transferred the image to paper it could transfer it to polymer clay.  You know what? It worked

I tried the hairspray method on a piece of unbaked clay and got this result:  

I was so pleased with this result.  The image fully transferred onto the clay and didn't smudge.

Here's how I did it:

Materials you will need:

fabric transfer paper
aerosol hairspray

polymer clay

Step 1
Print the words you want to use on the fabric transfer paper.  Just remember you have to reverse the image if you are using words.  Then cut out the words.  You can see my words are reversed.

Step 2
Roll out some clay like this:
Step 3
Spray a thin mist of hairspray over the image. Make sure it is the side that has the image on it.

Step 4
Place the image face down on the piece of clay like this:
Step 5
I use the cover of the hairspray can and roll and rub the image gently.
Step 6
When you lift the paper up you will see that the image has transferred to the clay. That's amazing! Wouldn't you agree?

Then you can bake it according to the directions on the package of clay you are using.

Now that you know this technique, just think of all the things you can make. I'd love to see what you create.  You can post your finished project on my facebook page 

If you have any questions about this technique you can also email me at

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.  Check back next week for another tutorial.


Thursday, January 22, 2015


Good Morning!

I have a couple of announcements this morning!  

1) Honey D's Creations will be moving to a new website very soon.  I am so excited about this because I will be able to customize it and organize it the way I want to.  I will give you the new link when that happens.

2) Honey D's Creations will now be a tutorial craft blog.  My goal is to teach you how I make my crafts in the hopes that you will learn something new that will bring enjoyment in your life like it has in mine.

I don't like to stick to one craft. I like to explore different crafts that are out there because you never know if you will discover something new and fun if you don't explore the possibilities.  So if you like a variety of crafts, join me on this "craft journey".

I will be posting new tutorials every week.  Every tutorial will include photos of each step to make the projects.  I am a very visual person myself so I learn best with either photos or watching a video.

My facebook page will highlight my finished projects or items that will be for sale in my Etsy store.

For some reason the comments are not working on this website.  I've had some of you tell me that.  If you want to comment or send me a message, please use my email address 

Thanks and have a great day!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Polymer Clay - Using Fabric Transfers

Good Morning!

It is actually almost afternoon here.  This morning has flown by.  I've been trying out a new technique with polymer clay that I hope will turn out good.  I saw a fabric transfer on a piece of polymer clay that has inspired me to try it. The image came out crystal clear.  I hope I get the same results.

I went to Staples and found this:

I will be experimenting with this today and hopefully will have good results with it.  I will post the results tomorrow.

Wish me luck!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Polymer Clay Rose Pendant

Good Morning!

I am back to share more of my polymer clay creations this week.  Today I am sharing a rose charm I made.  It is all handmade; not from a mold.  Each petal was created separately.

These rose pendants will be available in my Etsy shop as soon as I get more silver chains.

Have a great day!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Crochet Snowman Bathroom Tissue Cover and Loofah Sponge

Good Morning!

TGIF and it is a long weekend! 

I won't be posting on Monday because hubby and my son have the day off, but I will be back to posting on Tuesday.

I thought today I would share a crochet project I made.  It is a bathroom tissue cover that looks like a snowman and a matching loofah sponge.

I hope you all have a great weekend and I look forward to sharing with you again on Tuesday.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Polymer Clay - Necklace Pendant # 3

Good Morning!

Yesterday afternoon I took a trip to a few of the craft stores in my area and the first thing I noticed when I walked in were all the Valentine displays.  I spent more time than I wanted to looking around but I only came out with a few sheets of stickers.  I also had my son with me and he knows I can go a bit overboard when it comes to craft shopping; so he reminded me to go easy with the spending. LOL

So for today's clay craft I couldn't wait to get started.  I made another heart pendant. This was in a rose color and I did another transfer on it.  

Here is the heart pendant I made today:

I like this simple design.  It reminds me of those candy hearts. 

**Just a quick note:
I will be opening up my online Etsy shop again soon.  I am in the process of making more things.  One of my items will definitely be my necklace pendants/ charms.  I have a variety of them that I have been working on.

Thank you for stopping by my craft blog.
Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Polymer Clay - Pendant #2I

Good Morning!

It is a very chilly morning here - only 17 degrees!  My kitty Bella is climbing on the back of the chair as I'm writing this post waiting to see what clay project I will be working on today.  She is very curious when I sit down to do a project.

This is Bella - my two year old  kitty.  We adopted her from an animal shelter.  She is full of energy but also very lovable.The workers at the shelter told us that she was very hard to handle because she was so hyper and tried to deter us from adopting her; but I knew from the first time I met her that she was the one I wanted to adopt.  She brings my family and I lots of happiness and laughter and she definitely keeps us on our toes.  It is like baby-proofing the house all over again; but I wouldn't want it any other way.                                                                                                                              
Back to today's clay craft:

Yesterday I made kind of an abstract heart pendant with the flower cane.

Today I am going to share another heart pendant I made.

 This one is perfect for Valentine's Day.

Tomorrow I will share some other heart pendants.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Polymer Clay - Flower Heart Pendant

Good Morning Friends!

Today I am sharing with you a heart pendant that I made out of the "flower cane" I made last week.  I still had a lot of the cane left over that I had saved.  It was actually easier to slice the clay cane when it had been left out. I will have to remember that the next time I make a clay cane.

Here is the flower cane I used to make the pendant:

And here is the heart pendant:

Here is a close up of the pendant:

I still have a little of the flower cane left but I'm not sure what to do with it yet.  

Come back tomorrow to see another clay project.

Have a great day!


Monday, January 12, 2015

Polymer Clay Pins

Good Afternoon Friends!

I thought today I would share with you the polymer clay pins that I made during the last holiday season before making new ones for this year.  I started making them late in the year which is why you only see Christmas pins.  I was also able to find cute little holiday boxes that fit the pins perfectly.  My customers liked having the little gift box to put the pins in too.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my holiday pins. 

Yesterday I posted my flower pen and holder set over on my Facebook Page.  
You can check it out here:

Tomorrow I will be starting to make some Valentine's Day theme pins.

Have a great day!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Polymer Clay - Flower Cane Design

Good Morning Friends!

It is snowing here where I live; but it is TGIF and the weekend is here!  I thought I would end the craft blog this week with another polymer clay "cane" design.  I will be back on Monday with more craft posts.

This clay cane is a " flower cane".  It is a bit more difficult and more time consuming. It looks like this:

Not too bad for my first flower cane design. I was able to make two different sizes just by stretching out the cane log.  The trick seems to be to make sure the clay is conditioned enough when I start a project and to be sure to smooth out air bubbles that can form in the center of the cane.

Over the weekend I definitely need to buy more clay.  I am also looking for a clay extruder to help me make more details on my clay projects.  I hope I can find one.

I will be back posting again on Monday.  If I do make another pen using this flower cane design I will post it on my Facebook page over the weekend.  If you are not following me on that page, please do because I will be posting other photos of my clay projects there.

I want to thank and welcome all my new subscribers too!

Have a great weekend!


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Polymer Clay - Bullseye Cane Pen

Hello Friends!

Today I am sharing with you another polymer clay pen.  Remember the "bullseye cane" I made yesterday?  I cut it into even slices like this:

Then I covered the pen with the clay slices like this:

Then after spending time rolling it and getting the pieces exactly where I wanted them I baked it my little toaster oven that I dedicate just for my clay crafts.  It turned out like this:

The design came together nicely without any gaps.  

After I made the pen it looked like it needed something.  It was too plain to me.   I had made pen holders for my other two pens this week and I thought this pen needed one too.

I went a step further in making this pen holder.  The more I worked with this cane I began to envision a turtle shell design.  I went with that thought and made a turtle pen holder for the pen. I'm so glad I went with that thought because this cane design makes a really cute turtle shell.  Don't you think?

Finally here is the finished pen with the turtle pen holder.  

 Now I'm already thinking of different color combinations to make more turtle shell designs with the "bullseye cane".

I hope you enjoyed this blog post.  Stay tune tomorrow for a different kind of clay cane. 

Thanks for stopping by.
Have a great day!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Polymer Clay - Cane Technique

Good Morning!

Today I am going to share a technique that I just discovered in clay-making. It is called the "Cane Technique".  It is a "two dimensional design inside a three dimensional roll; and the design goes through end to end."  I know it sounds complicated but once you learn the technique you can create endless cane designs.

Here let me show you in a photo what I mean.

For this technique you are starting with a small log of clay of one color and then rolling it in a different color of clay.  I was so happy to have my clay machine for the rolling part.  It made it so easy to roll out the clay in the same thickness.

I rolled out several different colors of clay and made a very basic cane.  It is called a "bullseye cane". 

 I have seen some really intricate canes where people have made landscaped scenes.  Of course I'm not there yet but I did want to try this technique out with a simple cane design. 

Tomorrow's blog I will be using this bullseye cane and making another clay pen.

Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Polymer Clay Pen Holders

Good Morning!

Yesterday I shared with you some polymer clay pens that I made.  You can check that blog post here if you didn't see it.  They were the very first clay pens I made.

Today I am sharing with you a couple of pen holders for those pens. Right now I have the pens in a piece of styrofoam so they stand up straight.  

Here they are with their pen holders.

I made this pen holder to match the pen.

I wanted a more simple design to go with the rainbow design so I made a cloud base for this pen.

I hope you enjoyed this blog.  Stay tune for tomorrow's blog when I explore and experiment with the Polymer Clay Cane Technique.  What's that you say? You'll have to read tomorrow's blog to find out.

Have a great day!

Monday, January 5, 2015

A New Craft Toy and Polymer Clay Pens

Good Morning!

I hope everyone had a great start to the new year.  I have gathered my materials to show you my latest craft obsession...POLYMER CLAY

I love creating things with my hands.  It is a fun way to let your imagination go wild.  I have spent the last month or so researching different clay techniques.  I am amazed at what people have made with clay.

One of my Christmas gifts that my hubby and son bought me was this clay machine.  I will be using it when I am making today's clay craft...POLYMER CLAY PENS.  

In fact all week long I will be sharing with you different clay pens that I will be making.

This is my very first polymer clay pen.  It isn't fancy but I wanted to get a feel on how to use my clay machine.  I think it came out pretty good. 

The pens are standing on a piece of styrofoam which is why you can't see the pen tip.  This is how I am having the pens dry once I put the varnish on them.

 It was a little tricky to roll the clay around the pen.  It took a lot of patience and time. Just like anything new I have to keep practicing with it if I want to become good at it.

Here is my second clay pen I made today.  I am really liking this one.  I added some cloud detail on this one.

It took me about three hours to make these two pens, but that included learning how to put my clay through the clay machine just right so it didn't have any ripples in it.

I'm kind of limited right now on supplies.  I need to purchase more colors of clay, but for now I will use up what I have.  Stay tuned tomorrow for another blog post. I will be making a pen stand for the pens I made today.

Thanks for stopping by.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Honey D's Creations craft blog is back up and running.  It has been an interesting 2014 with a lot of trial and errors.  I spent most of the year concentrating on my craft business and participating in many craft shows the last part of the year.  My hubby has even come on board the "craft train" and together we are building our craft business together.  Hubby likes to make and sell things out of wood and I will be showcasing his work throughout the year too.

We are really excited to see all the good things 2015 will bring.  We have been blessed so far and I can't wait to see where our craft business takes us.

I wish you all the best this year too.

Please subscribe if you haven't already and get ready for a year full of my favorite crafts.

The first craft blog of 2015 will be up on Monday, January 5th.

All the Best,
