Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A New Craft Blog Series

Good Morning Friends,

I have been thinking a lot in which direction I want to take with my craft blog. I have come up with an idea that I hope you will enjoy.  I've decided to do mini craft blog series.  That means that every month I will feature one type of craft material and do craft projects based on that one type of material.  In other words if it is my "Paper Crafting Series", my blog will feature different paper craft projects.  If it's a "Clay-Making Series", my blog will feature a variety of clay craft projects.   I think you get the idea.  This would be a good direction to go with this blog because I only focus on one type of craft at a time any way when I am doing craft projects.  I like to challenge myself to see how many different craft projects I can come up with using one type of craft material. 

My first craft blog series will be "Duct Tape Creations"  All this month I will be sharing my duct tape craft projects with you.   Duct tape comes in so many colors and patterns these days that the possibilities of what you can make with it is endless.  You are only limited by your imagination.  

I hope you enjoy my duct tape creations this month.

This week's duct tape craft project is:   "Not Your Ordinary Wallet"

In making this project I had a goal in mind.  I needed a wallet that would have enough room for all my store reward cards, my checkbook, and a place to keep some extra cash.  

I used two solid colors of duct tape and one pastel cloud pattern duct tape to make this wallet. 

The result is this wallet below made entirely out of duct tape.


Since it was going to be kept in my purse I needed it to firmly close so it wouldn't open up in my purse.  So I made sure it had velcro fasteners. 

Now, I don't know about you, but I have a lot of store reward cards.  I have never seen a wallet with enough pockets to hold all my cards.  It is amazing how many store cards you can accumulate these days.  I think just about every store I shop at has a reward card and that includes places to eat out at as well.

This is how I used to carry around all my reward cards.  It was a pain to flip through them every time I needed one.


My solution:  Make a wallet that had enough pockets to hold all my store reward cards.  I did just that:


You are looking at 20 card pockets. (yes 20)  The pockets are trimmed with red duct tape.

But that's not all.  I also have two hidden pockets.  One for my checkbook and one to keep some extra cash.


The back of the wallet just highlights the pretty pastel cloud pattern.

And like I said there is room for all my store reward cards.  I have a total number of 19 cards which means I have room for one more.  I see that pocket being filled in the near future. LOL 

I hope you enjoyed seeing my first duct tape creation.  Stay tuned for more duct tape crafts coming soon. 

Have a great day!!! :)


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