Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Craft Storage Solution Part 1

Good Morning Friends,

Thanks for being so patient with me.  I had a lot of organizing I had to do with my craft supplies.  My craft room is no longer a craft room anymore because it was turned into a bedroom for my father-in-law who is now living with us.  So my craft supplies got uprooted and I had to find a space for them in another part of the house.  We don't have much space to begin with so I had to be creative and think of a way to store all my craft supplies.   So my solution to this dilemma was this:

Old Computer Cabinet

I took our old computer cabinet that we weren't using any more (which was going to get thrown away if we couldn't find a space for it) and turned it into my craft storage cabinet.  I am so happy that we didn't get rid of it.  I polished it up, found a space in our living room where it is out of the way, and it turned out to be the perfect space for all my craft supplies.  I wish I had thought of it sooner.  For months I racked my brain trying to come up with a storage solution.  I am so happy with the results.

Tomorrow's post will feature part 2 of  "My Craft Storage Solution".  I will let you see inside my craft cabinet and show you how I organized each section of it.  Stay tuned. :)

Do you have a special place where you store your craft supplies?  Let me know in the comments below.

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